Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Struggles in the Art World!

Where do I begin? Business has been slow... very slow. It seems I haven't found the right crowd to market to yet. I'm going to try a few more things before I totally switch my plan around. I'm going to make an etsy account finally this weekend. Also I hope my website is up and running this weekend. I'm hoping that if I just keep at it and stay positive that it'll all pay off. 

In other news! I think I've decided to go back to college and major in fine art. And things have been crazy around here! In the process of figuring out all I need to do to move back home soon. Life is full of stress, lack of money, bills, lack of food, more bills... But we've been managing just fine :) I hope my Art will pick up soon so I can contribute more! 

This is where I leave you for now. Very short and to the point. Updates to come when something "interesting" happens. 

See Ya!!!!!