Thursday, October 13, 2011

Some pictures from the shoots!!!

OH BUFFALO! This 3 weeks long trip in WNY has been so tiring, but more importantly AWESOME! I have had the opportunity to work with some really great people, including JZino Body Art and Mr Dagger Photography and photographer Jersey Mike What was I doing at these photo shoots??? I had a wonderful chance to do makeup for these photographers and for JZino. I want to thank everyone immensely for the opportunity and I hope to work with them again in the future. I love working with makeup and I hope to do more and more with it in the not so distant future.

All body paint by JZino
All Makeup by FoxKat (me!!)

Work with Mr Dagger Photography and JZino Body Art

Model: Rose

Model: Jonelle

Work with Jersey Mike and JZino Body Art

Model: Marie Sweet - /

Model: Stephanie

Awesome stuff!!!

Check out MrDagger Photography at!
Check out JZino Body-Art at
Check out images by Jersey Mike at
And don't forget me!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


YES! Finally! I had my first real job with MrDagger Photography! Mitch, the photographer, was such a pleasure to work with and the models were so amazing and nice! And JZino, the body painter, was awesome as always! It was so exciting to work in that environment and I am so pleased to be blessed with this opportunity! I love makeup and working as a MUA the past few days has been amazing. I feel so happy and peaceful when doing it, though I was a tad nervous at first! I have more shoots to come and I couldn't be more grateful to JZino Body-Art and my husband for really encouraging me to go forth with this venture. I'm glad I have a creative outlet for my artwork. I'm so thankful for this I truly cannot express it. YAY! :D 

Check out MrDagger Photography at!
Check out JZino Body-Art at
And don't forget me!

Life is great.... also... I have purple hair ;)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Buffalo, Buffalo, Where do you go? BUFFALO!

If you haven't guessed already I'm in Buffalo! That's right, good ole WNY. Haven't been here in ages! Anyway I should probably make a point here. I traveled up here with the body painter JZino, my best friend, as her assistant and support system! You ask what else am I doing up here? I plan to work on my makeup portfolio and try and get some more photos so I can move on to Model Mayhem and hopefully build up a following! My makeup palettes are amazing and I am so excited to work with them. I cannot wait to dive in and show you all what I am made of! Life has been hectic lately but I will be updating more regularly and possibly doing some videos and tutorials on makeup application! Also on the list of things to do is updating my website with more recent work and making a new tab for makeup. That's what I am doing this Fall... what about you?

Visit my deviantart -

and my facebook page -

and twitter! FoxKat_Designs

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mercury Retrograde, 75,000 Miles, and Oreos

So LIFE... is always going and never seems to chill out. What has been going on? Well here is a quick rundown of the past couple of weeks:
- My banks keep messing with me. First I get shit for trying to deposit a check in my husband's name into my account even though I have a POA that says I can do what I want, when I want. Then my debit card gets declined online several times but then somehow gets charged after I already put money into the other account. Now I have to receive this item and send it back for a refund because it couldn't be cancelled. Lame.
- I miss my husband terribly. Him being deployed isn't getting easier and it's frustrating. Sometimes I feel like it will never end.
- I keep getting stiffed on work. I have people back out or change their mind or just flat out ignore me altogether. LAME!
- I hit a skunk yesterday and the inside and outside of my car is now skunked. The Cabrio broke down this morning and then when I went to roll the windows down the rest of the way in my car the back left window got eaten by the door. (Damn Mercury retrograding early)
SO there you go.... That's what has been happening in a nutshell. In other news my car did reach 75,000 miles today!!! :D She has been so good to me! She's 5 years old now! That's a lot of driving! Thinking back I've been to a lot of places. This car has been driven to Toronto, Upstate NY a lot, Georgia, Western PA several times, and from Colorado to South Jersey. I've been busy!!!! Wow LOL Anyway Happy Birthday to my car! Guess you want an oil change, a wash, and some neon lights don't ya? ... And last but not least, Double Stuf Oreos.... need I say more?

Don't forget to visit:
my website -
my deviantart -
and my facebook page -

That's it for now! Talk to you soon!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Long time no talk....

So here I am!!! I have been extremely busy getting ready for Pennsic War 40 and working and getting settled in at home. I've been spending my days with JZino, drawing, sewing, discussing travel and Pennsic, all accompanied by late nights and massive amounts of coffee O_O' but all is well. I've had a ton of commissions as well! (to be posted soon). My partner Eric is still half way across the world but when he gets back he should have some interesting shots of where he has been! Summer is my favorite season of the year, it's really more of a process though. I apparently forgot what sunscreen was last week and had a really bad burn all over my body but it seems to be healing nicely now, so it's safe to say I haven't got a whole lot done. I am excited for the future because I have some big news!! My dream of becoming a tattoo artist is finally going to come true! I will be receiving tattoo lessons from a good tattoo artist friend of mine! :) By this time next year I will be a tattoo artist! So that's what is going on with me.... Tell me, what have you been up to??? :D

Check out my website for recent work!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Moving, Designing, and Life

Well hello there! Life sure is crazy sometimes huh? Sometimes it never seems to end but hey, all that means is that there is never a dull moment! *sigh* yea never dull... Anywho, I am currently helping Eric design his website! It should be up in a few days! I am also working on another portrait and some personal projects! It's soo exciting :D I live for this! Also in the midst of all of this I am moving back home so I'm pulling my hair out trying to pack! ugh! But it's not so bad. :) In between all that I am spending much needed time with my hubby before he goes on "vacation." Well that's all for now! I'll catch up with you soon!
~ Katie

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sooo I've been thinking....

I've been working on my art for awhile now and trying to decide what I want to really do with it. The other night my husband brought up a really good point. About 90% of my clients lean towards tattoo designs... I love doing tattoo designs. My husband suggested that instead of marketing my skills in so many different areas of art that I should have a central focus and be more professional. I have always loved tattoos and the idea of tattoos. Body art has been around since the beginning of mankind and is one of the oldest, most beautiful forms of art. So, therefore, I've been thinking... I think I am going to focus on tattoo designs and market that as my major skill. However, I will still offer my other services as always (I got another request for a portrait this morning woo!). I think this could be a good thing for me and possibly the career I have been looking for. So, I will continue to get better and create my own unique tattoo ideas. Then I will take it to the next level and start practicing. By this time next year I hope to be on my way to becoming a tattoo artist... a worthy and realistic ambition in my eyes.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Struggles in the Art World!

Where do I begin? Business has been slow... very slow. It seems I haven't found the right crowd to market to yet. I'm going to try a few more things before I totally switch my plan around. I'm going to make an etsy account finally this weekend. Also I hope my website is up and running this weekend. I'm hoping that if I just keep at it and stay positive that it'll all pay off. 

In other news! I think I've decided to go back to college and major in fine art. And things have been crazy around here! In the process of figuring out all I need to do to move back home soon. Life is full of stress, lack of money, bills, lack of food, more bills... But we've been managing just fine :) I hope my Art will pick up soon so I can contribute more! 

This is where I leave you for now. Very short and to the point. Updates to come when something "interesting" happens. 

See Ya!!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm new to the blog scene!!!

Hey there!!!!
My name is Katie! My professional name is FoxKat.  I am a freelance artist working off commissions. I am starting a company called FoxKat Designs. I have a fairly knowledgeable background in Art. I have an Associate's degree in Art Education/Art Therapy. Though I have had over 5 years of schooling in art, a lot of my skill has been self taught. I had my first real art class when I was 15 years old... I started drawing around 6 years old. I paint, draw, make jewelry, and I am an amateur photographer. My husband, Eric, owns a part of FoxKat Designs called T3M Photography. He is also an amateur photographer, but an amazing one. He does work with chroma key (green screen), nature photography, portraits, and photo manipulation and editing. In the upcoming months we will be making a website and getting our business off the ground! I will be updating this blog periodically with information on where we are at and projects we are working on! Thanks for reading and we hope you visit us again!!!!

ps. I got my blog name from Jzino :)